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How Do Air Purifiers Work?


For optimal health, people need food a few times a day. We need water even more often. But the one thing most critical to our well-being is air. We need a fresh helping a few times every minute! So one of the best ways to improve health is by improving your indoor air quality. Air purifiers make a huge difference to air quality and to people’s health. But how do they work? Let’s take a close look. Is it time to seriously consider air purifier installation in Columbia Falls, MT? Let’s go over some options we can help with.

This is an image of a family enjoying their comfortable home. The headline reads; Understanding air purifiers and their benefits.


An air filter catches particles as air is pulled through it. The filter itself is usually made of many overlapping layers of paper, cloth, fiberglass, or carbon. There are many types, some of which are better at trapping smaller particles, but for the most part, this is a great solution for larger fibers like dust and pet hair. An air purifier is not just a filter; it uses another approach.


Ultraviolet light, at certain frequencies, is incredibly powerful! It penetrates the thin outer layers of all sorts of microbes and germs. Once inside, it is highly destructive to the protein bonds that hold these little pathogens together. UV light can scramble bacteria like tiny, microscopic eggs! It’s used in hospitals to sanitize instruments and in water treatment facilities as an alternative to chemicals like chlorine.

UV Air Purifiers

When UV light is used to purify air, it is shined directly into an enclosed space while air is pulled through the lit area. Unpleasant microbes are disassembled at a molecular level by the light, no longer able to infect, reproduce, or survive. The air passes out of the UV air purifier fresh and clean.

Portable vs. Whole House

Sometimes, small portable air purifier units are used in limited, enclosed areas. This is great for a small office, a dorm room, or a tiny studio apartment. But what about your whole house? Good news! You don’t need to buy an air purifier for each room. You just need one whole house unit, which can be installed inside your ductwork as part of your HVAC system.

UV Safety

Since these rays of light can do so much damage to microbes, it’s understandable to want to ask: will they do damage to me or my family? There are two reasons why you don’t need to be concerned. First, you are not a germ. This light, like sunlight, would slowly cause a tiny bit of damage with extended exposure. But the second point is that it is enclosed. You won’t be exposed at all,

Clean Air Benefits

UV air purifier users report better sleep, more energy, fewer headaches, and higher levels of optimism! That’s all in addition to the more obvious benefits of fewer sick days, asthma attacks, and allergy symptoms. And there’s something else: odor. Smells are caused by bacteria floating in the air. When they’re eliminated, your home will smell refreshingly clean.

For all of your air quality needs, contact Bill’s Superheat, Inc. today! Here to Save the Day!

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