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AC Noises You Don’t Want to Hear


With many types of machinery and appliances, the owner and operator is not usually an expert at maintenance and repair. But you don’t have to be, as long as you can tell when you need to get expert help. If your car starts making a strange noise, you take it to the mechanic. The same is true of air conditioners. Odd sounds are signs that you need air conditioning repair in Kalispell, MT.

Grinding and Groaning

This unpleasant sound might remind you of grinding teeth or metal parts scraping together. It might sound like your air conditioner is complaining and overtired from all the hard work it’s been doing all summer. It’s actually the bearings in the blower fan motor wearing down. Replacing them right away will prevent worse problems, like having to replace the whole motor!

Banging and Booming

The compressor lives in the outdoor AC unit and comes on when the thermostat calls for cooling. It should come on with a hum, but if it starts up with a bang or a boom, it’s called hard starting. Your AC unit might need a capacitor to help supply the extra power needed for the start of the cooling cycle. Get repairs promptly so you won’t damage the compressor. It’s the most expensive component in your air conditioner.

Squeaking and Shrieking

Some air conditioners, especially the not-so-new ones, have belts that connect the fan to the motor that powers it. If the belt is stretching or tearing, or simply sliding out of its proper position, it can make all kinds of unpleasant squealing noises. You don’t want it to flap loose and hit other components in there, causing more problems, so get it checked out.

Hissing and Bubbling

These might seem like two very different noises, but they have the same cause. Hissing is the sound of something gaseous escaping through a small opening—and the refrigerant in your AC coils spends much of its time as a gas. Bubbling is the sound of air percolating through a liquid—and your refrigerant is also in a liquid state sometimes. Either way, it indicates a refrigerant leak that needs to be patched and refilled.

Rattling and Clattering

Almost anything could cause a sound like this: a loose screw, an off-kilter fan blade, or any other component that’s just not tightly fixed into position. This is a quick fix if you have it done right away before anything gets too loose or falls apart entirely.

Clicking and Buzzing

While these could be mechanical sounds, they could also be caused by electrical issues. Don’t risk it! This could lead to electrocution or even an electrical fire, so have it checked out by a qualified technician.

Trust Your Ears

Any sound you are surprised to hear, even if it’s not on this list, is cause for concern. Don’t let your air conditioner keep struggling with a problem. This can lead to rising electric bills and worsening AC performance, and even a shortened system lifespan. Get the help you need right away.

For all of your AC needs, contact Bill’s Superheat, Inc. today! Here to Save the Day!

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