Bill's Superheat, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Don’t Ignore These Late-Season Furnace Repairs

Monday, May 13th, 2024
Tech Checking Furnace

As the warmer months set in, handling late-season furnace repairs is vital to ensure you’re ready for it next season. While many homeowners focus on furnace maintenance before winter sets in, late-season furnace repairs should not be ignored because they’ll save you from major headaches later. Here’s why you shouldn’t overlook late-season furnace repairs in Bigfork and what key areas to focus on.

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Flue Blocks and How They Damage Your Furnace

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Your furnace is an important part of your home’s heating system. This is especially true during the colder months. Many homeowners overlook the importance of maintaining their chimney flue. This plays a big role in the proper operation of your furnace.

Flue blocks, although seemingly minor, can have a large impact on your furnace’s performance and even pose safety hazards. When things go wrong with your system, you may need furnace repair in Polson, MT. Let’s look into what flue blocks are, how they can damage your furnace, and what steps you can take to prevent this from happening.

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This Furnace Damage is Completely Unfixable

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

Your furnace works around the clock to keep you and your home warm. This is especially true throughout the chilling winter months, when our reliance on these systems becomes increasingly evident.

Every once and a while it’s a good idea to give your unit a check up to see if there is any need for furnace repairs in Kalispell, MT. Catching a small repair early with regular scheduled maintenance can prevent a major problem like the one we’re here to talk about. This issue is often considered beyond repair and could force you to get a whole new furnace.

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3 Unexpected Furnace Repairs You Might Run Into

Monday, January 8th, 2024

With winter setting in and temperatures dropping, a well-functioning furnace becomes your lifeline for a cozy and comfortable home.

Despite the efficiency of modern systems, even the most reliable furnace can encounter the need for furnace repairs in Lakeside, MT. When this happens unexpectedly, it can leave you in the cold.

Let’s take a look at three unexpected furnace repairs that you might run into. These are a few potential problems and insights into their solutions.

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How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Your Furnace

Monday, December 25th, 2023

As the cold weather sets in and your faithful furnace hums away in the background you may find yourself facing a common homeowner dilemma. Does your furnace in Lakeside, MT, need repairs or replacement? It’s a decision that requires a balance between the value of your trusty heating unit and the practicality of making sure that your home stays warm and cozy. Let’s look at the key considerations to help you determine whether it’s time for a furnace repair or if a replacement is on the horizon.

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How Heating Maintenance Can Save You Money Every Month

Monday, December 11th, 2023

Winter has settled in, your heater comes alive, but how effective is it? Sure, it heats your home, but how long does it take, how much energy is being spent, and when will it need to turn on again? These are questions you ask when gauging your heater’s performance, and that performance hinges on ongoing heater maintenance in Bigfork, MT.

Maintenance helps efficiency, and efficiency leads to less day-to-day spending just to keep your house warm. Your heating bills go down, and it keeps more cash in your wallet. This is why maintenance provides this savings.

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Now Is the Perfect Time for a New Furnace

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

It might not seem like the best time for a new furnace installation in Kalispell, MT, but bear with us. Now that springtime is finally here and we’ve got a bit of a reprieve from the cold, but before the summer heat hits us, we’ve got a window of time to do some evaluations.

With the previous winter still fresh on your mind, how was your furnace? Did it run with a few problems? Perhaps your home felt drafty and uncomfortable, even though it was working as intended.

These are signs that you could really use an upgrade, and with some of the budding furnace technology available these days, you could really go a long way with not very much money.

So, let’s get into it! We’ll cover all the things you need to think about if you’re going to invest in a new furnace. And, we’ll talk about why now is the best time to get it done for you and your family.

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An Entrypoint Into Heating Installation

Monday, March 6th, 2023

So, you’ve reached a point with your old furnace that it needs to be replaced. This is a common occurrence for a lot of homeowners, especially with some brutally cold winters that have called into question the affordability of home heating.

What used to be a minor expense is now shaping up to be a major part of our monthly budgets, so we need to figure out how your next heating system is going to be an improvement.

Yes, a heating system should always work to benefit you, not just the person installing it. A technician can tell you which heater they think might be best for your home or lifestyle, but they need to give you data and some good reasons to invest in it.

In other words, you’re the one who has to pay the bill at the end of the day, so always choose a heating installation in Whitefish, MT that makes you feel confident in your decision.

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Do Heat Pumps Work in the Cold?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

Yes! But in order to understand just how a heat pump might operate in our colder climate, we need to talk about something called the recovery mode.

Every heat pump in Whitefish, MT has its own specifications related to the manufacturer that produced it.

Not every heat pump is the same, and some heat pumps are going to be better for our climate than others.

For instance, newer Mitsubishi heat pump models can utilize “flash injection” where they bring hot refrigerant back to the indoor air coil quickly to provide powerful heating in record time.

Technology is only getting better, and we’d like to help inform our customers on how a heat pump might be right for you.

However, we can say with certainty that the heat pumps we install are perfect for our winters and will definitely work hard to keep your home warm and cozy all winter long. If you’d like to find out how this works, keep reading.

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Three Helpful Rules for Heating Replacement

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Did you know that your heating system has a lifespan? Every heating unit is created with a certain amount of years in mind.

Depending on factors like climate and usage, those systems will get worn down over time and eventually crack under the pressure of being used for a decade.

Heating systems can be repaired, and we’ll likely tell you when repairs are required. But what if repairs are just delaying the inevitable?

This blog post is going to discuss some helpful rules to help you decide if you need a repair or a whole new heating installation in Whitefish, MT.

Eventually, your old system will have to get replaced by a new one, and we want to make sure that you feel 100% confident in the decision that you’re making. Sure, our team can save the day, but we only want to do what you feel comfortable with us doing.

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