Bill's Superheat, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘HVAC’ Category

Why You Should Choose an HVAC Company that Provides 24/7 Service

Monday, June 24th, 2024

When your air conditioner needs some help, perhaps just routine maintenance, or your furnace needs a minor repair that’s not terribly urgent, you might only be thinking about this particular need. Right now, there is no emergency. You don’t require 24/7 service, do you? We believe that you should only consider scheduling any appointment with a company that does provide 24/7 service. We’ll explain exactly why. 

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What Are Cold Climate Heat Pumps?

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Spring is the perfect time of year to evaluate your HVAC system. How are the various parts doing? Do you need to schedule maintenance or repairs? Or is it possible that it’s time to consider replacing your air conditioner or your furnace? There are some major advances that have taken place in recent years, and you could have better performance and higher efficiency with a new system.

What kind of new system? You could replace both your air conditioner and your furnace with a heat pump. No, heat pump technology isn’t new. But there have been some big changes to how—and how well—a heat pump can work in places with colder winters, as well as to the technology in general. Cold climate heat pumps are an excellent option for our area. We’ll tell you all about them.

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