The birds are chirping outside, the sun is shining for longer, and the weather is slowly warming up. You heard it here first—the heating season is officially over. While we’re excited to announce this, your heating woes are not necessarily done with. Depending on the condition of your heater or the unique qualities of your home, you might need to do some extra steps in order to make sure your heater works next year. And, to top it all off, we might still have a few chilly nights around the corner where you’ll want your heater.
Basically, as your experts on everything HVAC in Kalispell, MT, we’re going to talk about how to end the heating season the right way. We’ll discuss a checklist based on things you should look for, services you should schedule, and best practices to ensure that you’re ready for next winter.
Don’t succumb to problems that stem from neglect. It’s time to be proactive and to end the heating season the right way.
Keep Things in Good Shape
Before you completely forget about your heater and run out the door to enjoy some springtime activities, it’s time to do some cleaning up. All of these checklist items are meant to extend the lifespan of your system, improve efficiency, and stop surprise repairs from cropping up down the line.
- Schedule maintenance for this fall. Maintenance is super important when it comes to the longevity of your heating system. Year after year, we can forget about the tremendous burden we put on these systems until they completely break down in front of us. Avoid that by having your system maintained by a professional in the fall, which means scheduling the appointment early!
- Get repair needs addressed now. You might not be ready for maintenance which is understandable, but if your heater needs repairs, it’s a better idea to get them now rather than later.
- Keep the area clean around your heater. Your heater needs fresh air when it eventually works again in the fall. Also, the more clutter around the system, the more surface area there is to collect dust, dirt, and debris which will negatively impact your heating system. Keeping the area clean and free of storage or other clutter is a great idea if you want your system to stay in good condition. It also makes it easier if you notice anything out of place about the system when the area is clean!
- Keep your utility bills and receipts. Sometimes your monthly utility bills can be a big clue into how efficiently your system is working. Don’t throw those bills or receipts out, instead keep them for reference in the years to come. Use these bills as proof that something isn’t working right when you need help with your system.
- Make sure vents remain unblocked. Temperatures might be mild and comfortable this summer which causes you to be outside more and not rely on AC. That sounds nice in theory, but it leads homeowners to cover their vents with new furniture and storage. This is a bad idea. Make sure to keep vents uncovered throughout the year to allow for proper airflow.
Call Bill’s Superheat, Inc. for help with your system. We’re Here to Save the Day!