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How to Know if You Need a Humidifier in Your Home


Determining if you need a humidifier in your home depends on various factors, including the climate you live in, your indoor environment, and any specific health concerns you may experience. Since the area of Flathead Lake gets 18 inches of rain on average per year, which is far lower than the US average of 38 inches of rain per year; and an average 37 inches of snow per year, compared to the US average of 28 inches of snow per year, humidity is low, and some residents might find the dryness to be uncomfortable.

Days with noticeable humidity are rare throughout the year with humidity in the area being below 60% for approximately 40 days of the year. Because of these dry conditions, you may want to look into the installation of a whole-house humidifier in Polson, MT. Let’s take a look at the signs that will tell you a whole-house humidifier is a good option.

Signs You Might Benefit from a Humidifier

  • Dry Air Symptoms: If you experience symptoms of dry air, such as dry skin, chapped lips, dry or irritated nasal passages, sore throat, or itchy eyes, a humidifier can increase moisture in the air and relieve these discomforts.
  • Static Electricity: Experiencing frequent static electricity shocks when touching objects or people indicates low humidity levels in your home.
  • Cracked or Peeling Paint: Low humidity levels can cause paint to crack, peel, or chip on walls, furniture, or wooden surfaces. If you notice signs of paint damage, especially during the winter months when heating systems are in use, it may indicate a need for increased humidity.
  • Damage to Wooden Furniture or Instruments: Wood can dry out and crack in low-humidity environments. If you have wooden furniture, flooring, musical instruments, or antiques in your home, maintaining appropriate humidity levels can help prevent damage and preserve the integrity of the wood.
  • Respiratory Issues: Dry air can exacerbate respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, sinusitis, or bronchitis. If you or your family members experience worsened symptoms during dry weather or heating seasons, low humidity is probably the reason.
  • Frequent Illnesses: Low humidity levels can make the air more hospitable to viruses and bacteria, potentially increasing the risk of respiratory infections and colds. Maintaining optimal humidity levels will reduce the spread of airborne pathogens and support immune health.
  • Unhealthy Houseplants: Indoor plants often benefit from higher humidity levels, especially tropical or moisture-loving plants. If you notice your plants wilting, browning, or losing leaves, insufficient humidity may be the cause.
  • Dryness in Multiple Rooms: If you observe dryness and discomfort in multiple rooms of your home, especially during colder months when heating systems are running, it may indicate that indoor humidity levels are too low.

Portable vs. Whole-House Humidifiers

A portable humidifier requires a water tank to be filled almost daily. A whole-house humidifier, once installed, needs little attention. The whole-house system’s advantage is it requires virtually no maintenance and sustains your home at a set humidity with a one-time setup. It is incorporated into the blower system on your furnace and draws water directly from your water supply. Whole house humidifiers operate with exceptional efficiency at a cost less than that of most portable units.

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