3 Reasons Why AC Maintenance Is Vital

July 12th, 2021

As temperatures begin to rise here in Montana, your air conditioner is working extra hard to make sure that your home is cool and comfortable. However, your air conditioner cannot keep taking care of you unless you take steps to take care of your system as well. A properly functioning air conditioning system is vital to ensure that your home is cool when you get home after a long day of hard work.

When was the last time you scheduled services for air conditioning maintenance in Kalispell, MT? If you are like most homeowners, the chances are that you feel that HVAC services are expensive, and you do not want to pay for things that you don’t need. But that does not mean AC maintenance is an unnecessary expense.

This post will help you understand why air conditioner maintenance is vital to your comfort, well-being, and bank account.

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When Is AC Replacement a Good Idea?

June 28th, 2021

This is a tricky question. Some homeowners would tell you, point-blank, that you should never replace your air conditioner unless you have to. While we absolutely do not agree with this idea, we understand the sentiment. As homeowners, we want to take care of our equipment so that it lasts as long as possible. The only problem with this is that many homeowners don’t know how long their air conditioners should last.

Well, unfortunately your air conditioner is not going to last 25 years. Well, it won’t last that long without costing you an arm and a leg, that’s for sure. These systems require replacement after a certain amount of years and we’ll get into some of the reasons why.

We can help you with air conditioning replacement in Kalispell, MT, but we want homeowners to be on board with the idea that their systems won’t last forever. Once this is clear, it becomes easy to put together an affordable, comfortable path forward.

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Is AC Maintenance REALLY Necessary?

June 1st, 2021

When it comes to HVAC services, because of how expensive they can be and how intrusive they feel, homeowners don’t want to pay for things they don’t have to. Here’s the list we usually run into:

  • Professional AC installation? Necessary.
  • Professional AC repairs? Necessary.
  • Fast and affordable AC replacement? Necessary.
  • AC Maintenance? Optional.

Is this how you think of AC services? If so, then we’ve got a major change we think you should make. Air conditioning maintenance isn’t as optional as some neighbors and family friends might tell you it is. While it might be the easy target on the list of necessary services, the benefits that this service provides quickly add up and provide you with a ton of savings down the line. So yes, AC maintenance really is necessary.

When we explain just how much air conditioning maintenance in Kalispell, MT helps, you’ll realize why it’s such a huge mistake to skip it.

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Heater Repairs Now Will Help You Later

May 17th, 2021

We know, as temperatures slowly warm up, the last thing you want to think about is your heater. Well, it might not be the last thing, but we bet it’s last on the list of many things you’re tired of hearing about. However, even though you don’t want to consider your heater as much as you would the sunshine and warmer temperatures outside, it might save you money if you think about heater repairs.

Bear with us, heating repair in Kalispell, MT might not be beneficial now in the warmest part of spring. That’s not what we’re saying. We’re trying to tell you that getting your malfunctioning heater repaired now could help you in the fall when things start getting chilly and you rely on this system more and more.

Basically, heater repairs now—at your convenience—will be much easier than heater repairs later. Let us explain.

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Does Your Furnace Need to Be Fixed?

May 3rd, 2021

Unfortunately, there’s very little we can do to figure that out from behind a computer screen. The best HVAC professionals still need to see a furnace in order to diagnose a problem. That being said, we can both talk about some of the symptoms that furnace repairs give off, as well as what can go wrong if you neglect a furnace repair.

Homeowners try to avoid having their problems diagnosed these days, and we understand why. With expensive hidden fees placed throughout different repair services, it can seem like a trap to call for furnace repairs in Kalispell, MT if there’s not something seriously wrong with it.

But we’re different. We are devoted to 100% customer satisfaction, which means we’re more interested in keeping your furnace in good shape and your home healthy, safe, and comfortable. So, keep reading while we give you the lowdown on a malfunctioning furnace.

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Your End of the Season Heater Checklist

April 19th, 2021

The birds are chirping outside, the sun is shining for longer, and the weather is slowly warming up. You heard it here first—the heating season is officially over. While we’re excited to announce this, your heating woes are not necessarily done with. Depending on the condition of your heater or the unique qualities of your home, you might need to do some extra steps in order to make sure your heater works next year. And, to top it all off, we might still have a few chilly nights around the corner where you’ll want your heater.

Basically, as your experts on everything HVAC in Kalispell, MT, we’re going to talk about how to end the heating season the right way. We’ll discuss a checklist based on things you should look for, services you should schedule, and best practices to ensure that you’re ready for next winter.

Don’t succumb to problems that stem from neglect. It’s time to be proactive and to end the heating season the right way.

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Prepare Your Home for Spring AND Summer

April 5th, 2021

When people are busy, it can be hard to prepare months in advance. Especially with vaccines rolling out and this pandemic slowly drawing to a close, summer still feels like it’s years away. Except for the fact that it will arrive before you know it, like it does every year.

So, what are some ways that you can prepare for both the spring that’s here and the summer that’s coming? After all, you’re busy—you want to make the most economical use of your time. Don’t just work on something that’s important for the spring, since by the time you’re done, springtime will be over!

Well, you could analyze the state of your air conditioner and heating system, and figure out whether a new AC installation in Kalispell, MT could help you going forward. Perhaps it’s time you invested in some heating and cooling technology, like a heat pump or a ductless mini split!

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3 Things to Know About AC Maintenance

March 21st, 2021

It’s that time of year! Air conditioners are slowly being taken out of hibernation and our heaters are in use less and less. We might even see one or two months of barely any HVAC use, which is always a blessing and a big boon to our budgets. However, the spring will pass and eventually we’ll be diving headfirst into summer with record high temperatures, heatwaves, and extremely uncomfortable humidity levels. You’re going to need your air conditioner, even if you don’t think so yet.

AC maintenance in Kalispell is vital. We know that our team might be a biased source of information, but we do know what we’re talking about. AC maintenance might seem like its optional when advertised via email or on TV, but it’s really not. Homeowners that go without their AC maintenance every year seek to lose huge amounts of money, either on repairs or decreased efficiency, for the chance at gambling with cut initial costs.

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Warm Weather Woes: Get Prepared!

March 8th, 2021

So, the temperature is slowly but surely starting to rise. The snow will be melted at some point and all of our HVAC hurdles will be lifted, right? Well, not exactly. The problem with seasons is that every single one has its own problems that need to be addressed.

There are two things we want to focus in on when it comes to spring temperatures and the problems that come with them. The first is rain and those last bouts of cold temperatures, since you’re still going to need your heater to keep you comfortable. The second issue that will come with snow melting is the heap of contaminants that will be released into the air and cause some problems for your respiratory health.

Don’t worry, we don’t talk about problems that we can’t solve on this blog. Whether it’s heater maintenance or an air filtration system in Kalispell, MT, we’re here to save the day!

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Your Springtime Heater FAQ

February 22nd, 2021

While it’s definitely getting near springtime, it doesn’t feel like it. Trust us when we say that the warm temperatures that are just around the corner are going to catch us all off guard!

That being said, it’s not time to stop thinking about your heater. We’d argue it’s never time to stop thinking about your heating system, even though springtime is notorious for homeowners tossing their troubled heating systems into the garage or basement to be forgotten about until next year. We urge you to pay attention to a few things before you retire your system. You might need heating services in Kalispell, MT if you notice something wrong.

How often should you change the filter? When is the best time to schedule maintenance? What noises are normal for your heater to make? Keep reading as we answer all of these and more!

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