Bill's Superheat, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heating repair’

3 Tips for a Malfunctioning Heater

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Heating systems are designed to be as reliable as possible. They might not be the prettiest purchase in the world, and they sure don’t look like they make much sense from an outside perspective, but they’re built to be powerhouses of heat energy.

The reason behind their high installation cost is usually due to the fact that they’re constructed out of robust materials, safeguards in the case of a gas furnace, several different methods for energy efficiency, and more. They’re just designed to keep running, day and night, while your family stays safe.

But when your heating system starts to malfunction, it can also be extremely frustrating. How can a system that was designed to be durable for a decade or more start running into such simple problems?

Well, just like every machine, sometimes there can be a problem unique to your home or system, and that’s what professionals are for. Call our team for heating repairs in Kalispell, MT, but be sure to follow this guide when doing some basic troubleshooting.

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Everything to Know About Your Heater’s Blower Fan

Monday, December 26th, 2022

Did you know that every heating system that heats the air of a home relies on fans? This type of heating system is called a forced-air heating unit, and those fans are specifically called blowers. They’re a vital part of the heating process.

Heating systems don’t operate like fireplaces or stoves. Those kinds of systems just send the heat outward in an inefficient way, but they’re mostly used for slight comfort and ambiance. A fireplace is just not going to be able to heat all of the rooms of your house while a furnace will, as it works with a complex fan system.

The blowers are so vital to your home’s heating, that a problem with them could cause a serious hold-up in your home’s comfort and efficiency. And no, we don’t recommend customers try to fix these components themselves. Let’s talk about why a broken blower fan might need heating repair in Columbia Falls, MT.

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Heater Repairs Now Will Help You Later

Monday, May 17th, 2021

We know, as temperatures slowly warm up, the last thing you want to think about is your heater. Well, it might not be the last thing, but we bet it’s last on the list of many things you’re tired of hearing about. However, even though you don’t want to consider your heater as much as you would the sunshine and warmer temperatures outside, it might save you money if you think about heater repairs.

Bear with us, heating repair in Kalispell, MT might not be beneficial now in the warmest part of spring. That’s not what we’re saying. We’re trying to tell you that getting your malfunctioning heater repaired now could help you in the fall when things start getting chilly and you rely on this system more and more.

Basically, heater repairs now—at your convenience—will be much easier than heater repairs later. Let us explain.

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Your Springtime Heater FAQ

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

While it’s definitely getting near springtime, it doesn’t feel like it. Trust us when we say that the warm temperatures that are just around the corner are going to catch us all off guard!

That being said, it’s not time to stop thinking about your heater. We’d argue it’s never time to stop thinking about your heating system, even though springtime is notorious for homeowners tossing their troubled heating systems into the garage or basement to be forgotten about until next year. We urge you to pay attention to a few things before you retire your system. You might need heating services in Kalispell, MT if you notice something wrong.

How often should you change the filter? When is the best time to schedule maintenance? What noises are normal for your heater to make? Keep reading as we answer all of these and more!

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Don’t Forget About the Heat Exchanger

Monday, February 8th, 2021

If you’ve forgotten about your heater’s heat exchanger, or you don’t even know what a heat exchanger is, then you’re in the right place. We’re the heating experts, and we never said that you needed to be the experts!

It’s important for us to talk about what matters when it comes to your gas furnace, and one of the most important things we could talk about is your system’s heat exchanger. It’s a small component within all the furnaces in Kalispell, MT, and without it, your system would start leaking gas or carbon monoxide throughout your house.

It’s time to learn about what this component does, why it’s so valuable, and what you can do to help it last as long as possible. Remember, our team is available to come save the day if you find your heat exchanger in need of repairs.

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To Replace or Repair, That Is the Question!

Monday, January 25th, 2021

We might need to brush up on our Shakespeare (if you hadn’t noticed), but one thing we don’t need a refresher course on is heating replacement in Kalispell, MT. When viewing heating systems, it’s important to look at the long term of the machinery. If you don’t look far in advance, you might get taken off guard by an expensive repair need no matter how vigilant you’ve been towards the health of your system.

This is quite the conundrum, because many homeowners believe that they can keep their ancient heaters going for as long as possible if they’re repaired by the right team. That’s not true, not even close.

Heaters only last for a certain amount of time before they become inefficient and cost-ineffective. Keep reading as we talk about some major signs to look for as to whether it’s time to repair or replace your aging heater.

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5 Signs You Need Furnace Repair

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Here we are to save the day again! If you’ve got a furnace that’s on the fritz, then you probably found this blog post through a panic of trying to figure out what’s going on. You’re debating whether or not you need to call us for furnace repair, or whether there’s some expensive bill looming in the distance.

Like your favorite superhero, we’re here to help. Don’t panic, because chances are your furnace is just suffering from some repair need that should be fixed. Luckily, you have the best team that deals with furnace repair in Kalispell, MT, and we’re always around to help. Let’s discuss the five most obvious and common reasons why a furnace could need repairs.

If you find any of this information useful, or if anything seems familiar, make sure you call us for help! Our team is certified, qualified, and well-equipped to help your heater right now!

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Choosing the Right Heating Contractor

Monday, December 28th, 2020

We don’t have to tell you more than once that it’s cold during the winter here. Heaters are working at full blast, homes are feeling drafty, and we’re paying more than we’d like to keep our homes cozy. Going into 2021, it’s time to look back on what worked and what didn’t with our heating services.

If you’ve got a “heating guy” that you work with year in and year out, what exactly makes you choose them? Do they go above and beyond for your heating services in Kalispell, MT? Or do they leave you with a sinking feeling that you know they’ll be back next season? Since we’re shifting into 2021, this is a great opportunity to discuss what you and your family need from a heating contractor.

We’ll let you in on some industry secrets that other homeowners might not know, and we’ll make the case as to why Bill’s Superheat, Inc. is the team to call!

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