Bill's Superheat, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘lakeside’

Ew, What’s That Smell? Beware Furnace Odors

Monday, December 9th, 2024

How can you tell if your heating system needs repair? There are a variety of things you might notice if you’ve got a furnace problem that should be checked out by a professional. Like any other mechanical system, there might be odd noises. Your heat might not be evenly distributed throughout your home, or it may stop altogether. You might notice rising utility bills because many heating problems cause inefficiency.

But one thing you might not have thought much about is odor. It might be that your first clue to a problem with a heating system is a surprising smell! Today, we’ll explain what odors to keep an eye (or a nose) out for, and which ones mean that furnace repairs are definitely necessary.

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Is a Mini Split Good for My Montana Home?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Have you been hearing about ductless mini splits, or noticing that friends or neighbors have systems like this? Or perhaps you’ve only heard about it from people who don’t live in our area. Montana’s weather is certainly different from what folks experience in many other parts of the country. It’s understandable that, even if you like the sound of a ductless mini split, you’ve got some serious questions.

We’d like to help you get some things sorted out. How exactly does a ductless mini split work? What climate control can it provide? Will it be good for your Montana home? Let’s get you some answers.

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3 Unexpected Furnace Repairs You Might Run Into

Monday, January 8th, 2024

With winter setting in and temperatures dropping, a well-functioning furnace becomes your lifeline for a cozy and comfortable home.

Despite the efficiency of modern systems, even the most reliable furnace can encounter the need for furnace repairs in Lakeside, MT. When this happens unexpectedly, it can leave you in the cold.

Let’s take a look at three unexpected furnace repairs that you might run into. These are a few potential problems and insights into their solutions.

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How to Know if You Should Repair or Replace Your Furnace

Monday, December 25th, 2023

As the cold weather sets in and your faithful furnace hums away in the background you may find yourself facing a common homeowner dilemma. Does your furnace in Lakeside, MT, need repairs or replacement? It’s a decision that requires a balance between the value of your trusty heating unit and the practicality of making sure that your home stays warm and cozy. Let’s look at the key considerations to help you determine whether it’s time for a furnace repair or if a replacement is on the horizon.

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